Thursday, September 8, 2011


Last night the rain felt like it was beating me, as my body squirmed & mind became a theater for short dreams. Each time my eyes shot open and closed a different a new story would begin. What I do remember, is feeling like I was in the middle of a 40day and 40night experience. The rain had taken on a spiritual power. I am not sure if I was afraid, curious or able to understand what I was feeling throughout the stormy night. Lightning shot through my studio living room, and gave light to all of the designs crowding my space. The gown on the mannequin... the canvas all over the walls. The power punch of the thunder, hinted at the restlessness of struggle and tussle. For the following hours my mind dreamed of getting up and creating yet my body was caught in the fight. My mind was on Victory, on building an arc, on blocking the blows... yet my body was unsure of how to react. In my studio I've been working on this painting, "Still in the Fight". And while as children of God, we are already victorious, we sometimes overlook the fact, that to claim the victory... we still have to get in the ring, we still have to fight the fight, bear the storms and have vision through it's clouds.

Be Encouraged.

Serena &
PassionArt Designs